If you have ever had your floors refinished you know that sanding floors is a huge dusty mess. Is there a better, cleaner way? Yes, there are specially designed dust containment systems from manufacturers like Bona that take the mess out of sanding. Just like a big vacuum the Bona system pumps the dust out to a trailer. All the equipment used (belt sander, buffer and edger) are connected by hoses so the dust particles can be captured during the sanding process and sent directly to the containment trailer.
The man who invented the original dustless containment system, was said to be, a professional carpet cleaner who realized that by reconfiguring his carpet cleaning machine he could make it suck in dust rather than water. Such a simple notion but it has revolutionized floor refinishing. Less particles floating around in the air means a cleaner, healthier, environment for your family. Wood dust is not healthy to breath and neither are the chemicals in the old finish being sanded off your floor. OSHA states;
“Wood dust becomes a potential health problem when wood particles from processes such as sanding and cutting become airborne. Breathing these particles may cause allergic respiratory symptoms, mucosal and non-allergic respiratory symptoms, and cancer.”
So a dustless system means your family can stay in your home while the work is being done without worry. This saves you time, money and stress of displacement. It also means a clearer finish because there is less chance of dust settling on the finish before it dries.
Dustless systems have been around for less than 10 years but are becoming an industry standard. The cost in your area can be similar or a little more than a regular sand and finish but the health and other benefits easily outweigh the costs.
Make sure to ask your flooring professional about dustless refinishing.
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